Plum Fruit Leather

November 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Featured Content, Snacks/Appetizers, Yummy Food

You can make any kind of fruit leather following these simple directions.

We have a plum tree in our yard so we used our beautiful plums. FYI- all pictures after this one are slightly blurry.  Sorry :)

So easy to make fruit leather.  All you need is SWEET, RIPE FRUIT.

We cut the plums in half and let Charlie, our 3 year old, pull out the pits and sort them.  She thought it was great to help and she was crazy fast at it.  We are always looking for an easy safe step Charlie can help with cooking.

After pitting the fruit,  then place in the food processor till it is pureed nice and smooth.

Spray Pam on your dehydrator sheets.  Then pour the pureed plums onto the sheets and turned it on the fruit setting.  (Make sure you pray Pam or you will not get the fruit leather off the sheets.)

Place the lid on and let it do it’s thing.  Leave it there until it is firm enough to peel about 12-16 hours, depending on your dehydrator.


  • Winsor Pilates

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