Faux Animal Rug

May 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Crafts, Featured Content

I found this rug online at West Elm.

I loved it and thought it would look awesome for Beck’s room, but, I don’t want to spend that kinda moola on a rug for a 1 year old’s room.  So! I made it :)  I’m so cool :)   It was another super easy five minute craft.  Sweet!

Here’s how I did it.

I bought some fabric that wouldn’t fray with a thick back and I wouldn’t need to sew.

I printed out a picture of the rug.  Folded my fabric in half, draw an outline with chalk, then cut!

The outline was in white chalk, so it’s hard to see.

Then I took it to the next level and added a tail and a mane.

I used this-

Tear Mender, it’s great for creating without having to sew.

I braided some matching yarn and glue it on with the Tear Mender.

Then cut out some felt and glued that on too.

And waalaa!

One faux animal rug.  I’m not sure what animal it is…looks like a horse.

  • Winsor Pilates


One Response to “Faux Animal Rug”
  1. katie s says:

    Very cool. And totally perfect for your house:)

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